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Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation

Agency History

Historical Notes

TSAHC was incorporated by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in 1994.  During the 75th Legislature in 1997, House Bill 2577 separated the corporation from the Department and created a Board.  The bill also renamed the corporation to Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation.

Previous Sunset reports on this agency

  • 2008-2009 Review Cycle, 81st Legislative Session

  • 2002-2003 Review Cycle, 78th Legislative Session

  • 2000-2001 Review Cycle, 77th Legislative Session

  • Next Review Date: 2028-2029 Review Cycle - 91st Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2010-2011 Review Cycle - 82nd Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2010-2011 Review Cycle, 82nd Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

Created in 1995, the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (Corporation) is a self-sustaining nonprofit entity that helps Texans obtain affordable housing. To achieve its mission, the Corporation issues bonds to help teachers, firefighters, police officers, and low-income families purchase homes; provides loans to affordable housing developers; and seeks private funds to help support affordable housing. The Corporation self-funds its operations, including raising $1.7 million in grants and donations in fiscal year 2010, and receives no state-appropriated funding. A five-member, Governor appointed Board oversees the Corporation.

House Bill 1818 continues the Corporation for 12 years, requiring the Corporation to report additional financial information to the Legislature and placing new stakeholders on the Board. The Legislature adopted all of the Sunset Commission’s recommendations and added several statutory modifications to H.B. 1818, primarily to increase the transparency of Board decisions. A list of the bill’s major provisions follows.

  • Continue the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation for 12 years, and ensure the Corporation operates with greater transparency and accountability.
  • Require the Corporation to make its meetings and information related to its meetings open and easily available to the public.
  • Exempt certain public housing authorities from requirements to appoint resident members to their governing boards.
  • Require the Corporation to make a good faith effort to contract with Historically Underutilized Businesses.