Job Vacancy

Senior Data Analyst: A data analyst works with Sunset staff to conduct nonpartisan, objective evaluations of Texas state agencies. If you are interested in applying, please visit the Jobs page of our website for details. 

Texas Military Department

Agency History

Former Agencies

  • Next Review Date: 2030-2031 Review Cycle - 92nd Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2018-2019 Review Cycle - 86th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2018-2019 Review Cycle, 86th Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review


  • Continue the Texas Military Department (TMD) for 12 years.


  • Clarify the adjutant general’s responsibility over all aspects of the department and strengthen internal oversight of state administration.
  • Direct the adjutant general to improve supervision and support of the department’s state employees.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to review and update its administrative rules.  (Management action – nonstatutory)


  • Direct the department to improve planning and implementation of purchasing policy changes, including scheduling policy updates based on risk and ensuring all staff involved in purchasing have information needed to carry out their duties.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to track and report performance of all phases of the purchasing process.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to develop a process for programs to share information about timelines and needs to prioritize purchasing workload across the department.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

Texas State Guard

  • Direct TMD to evaluate State Guard missions and establish strategies to support the program and protect the state’s interest.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to provide State Guard members with access to the department’s ombudsman for voicing general program concerns.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

Challenge Academy

  • Direct the department to identify specific options for relocating the Sheffield campus no later than January 1, 2019, with a goal to preserve federal funding and other Challenge program benefits for Texas’ at-risk youth.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to close the Texas Challenge program’s Sheffield campus in March 2020, regardless of whether relocation is feasible.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

State Tuition Assistance

  • Direct the department to establish updated goals to target the use of limited state tuition benefits and collect information needed to measure performance.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct the department to update informational materials and training to ensure recruiters and potential applicants receive accurate information about state tuition benefits.  (Management action – nonstatutory)