Report Released

The Report to the 89th Legislature is now available.

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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission

Agency History

Agency Became

Historical Notes

In 2021, during the 87th Legislative Session, the legislature replaced the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission with the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission.

This agency is currently inactive. An agency can be labeled inactive if it has been abolished, had a title change, was merged into a different agency or split into different agencies. See Agency History on the right for further information.

Next Review Date: None

  • Last Review Cycle: 2020-2021 Review Cycle - 87th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2020-2021 Review Cycle, 87th Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

House Bill 1555, the bill containing the Sunset Commission’s statutory recommendations for the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission (THGC), did not pass during the 87th Legislature. Instead, the Legislature enacted House Bill 3257, which repeals THGC’s enabling statute and creates the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission to the Texas Historical Commission. The Legislature also incorporated the Sunset Commission’s recommendations for THGC into H.B. 3257 to ensure accountability and oversight of the new advisory commission.

Replace THGC 
  • Repeal the enabling statute for THGC and establish the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission as an advisory commission to the Texas Historical Commission. 
  • Require the Texas Historical Commission and the advisory commission to provide a written update to the Sunset Commission on its progress in implementing H.B. 3257 and any obstacles or concerns encountered during implementation by December 1, 2022.
Advisory Commission Members
  • Require the governor to appoint the advisory commission’s nine members to six-year staggered terms and to designate the chair. 
  • Specify member qualifications, eligibility of former THGC members for appointment, term limits, quorum, subcommittees, travel expenses, quarterly meetings, and public access.
  • Require the Texas Historical Commission to provide a training program for advisory commission members on their advisory role, duties, and relationship with the commission.
Advisory Commission Duties
  • Specify the advisory commission’s duties in supporting public education and awareness of the Holocaust, other genocides, and antisemitism in Texas as follows:
    • Conduct a biennial study and submit a report on antisemitism in Texas to the governor and the Legislature.
    • Provide advice and assistance to public and private primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education in Texas.
    • Meet with and provide information and assistance to public and private organizations.
    • Compile a list of volunteer speakers who have agreed to share their knowledge and experiences regarding the Holocaust and other genocides.
    • Annually coordinate events in Texas memorializing the Holocaust and other genocides and solicit volunteers to participate in commemorative events.
    • Collaborate with groups to support efforts to recognize International Holocaust Remembrance Day and make recommendations on whether it should be a state holiday.
  • Authorize the Texas Historical Commission and the advisory commission to cooperate with other organizations, elected officials, and state agencies, including the Texas Education Agency, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Texas Veterans Commission. 
Oversight and Accountability
  • Specify the advisory commission is under direction of the Texas Historical Commission and subject to its internal audit program and external evaluations and reviews, such as state audits.
  • Require the Texas Historical Commission to: 
    • Receive, manage, and oversee any appropriations made to carry out the advisory commission’s duties.
    • Hire, manage, and evaluate staff and provide administrative support as necessary to support the advisory commission’s duties.
    • Adopt rules as necessary governing the operation of the advisory commission, which may include delegation of certain final decisions and authorities to the advisory commission.
    • Work with the advisory commission and the Legislative Budget Board to develop goals, strategies, and performance measures for the advisory commission during the state appropriations process.
    • Report on the advisory commission in its biennial report to the Legislature and the governor.
  • Authorize the Texas Historical Commission to accept gifts and grants on behalf of the advisory commission and to contract with nonprofit organizations to fulfill the advisory commission’s duties.