Job Vacancy

Senior Data Analyst: A data analyst works with Sunset staff to conduct nonpartisan, objective evaluations of Texas state agencies. If you are interested in applying, please visit the Jobs page of our website for details. 

Texas Health Services Authority

Agency History

Historical Notes

During the 86th Legislative Session in 2019, House Bill 3304 enacted a Sunset date of 2027 for the Texas Health Services Authority.

  • Next Review Date: 2026-2027 Review Cycle - 90th Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2014-2015 Review Cycle - 84th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2014-2015 Review Cycle, 84th Legislative Session

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

The following material summarizes results of the Sunset review of the Health and Human Services Commission, including management actions directed to HHSC that do not require statutory changes. For additional information see the Health and Human Services Commission and System Issues Staff Report with Final Results.

Texas Health Services Authority

  • Removes THSA from statute on September 1, 2021, allowing its functions to continue only in the private sector.
  • Changes THSA’s current board to ensure broader representation.