Commission Decisions

The summary of the Angelina and Neches River Authority, Lower Neches Valley Authority, Trinity River Authority of Texas, and Texas Ethics Commission decisions are now available. 

State Office of Risk Management

Previous Sunset reports on this agency

  • Next Review Date: 2030-2031 Review Cycle - 92nd Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2018-2019 Review Cycle - 86th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2018-2019 Review Cycle, 86th Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review


  • Continue the State Office of Risk Management (SORM) for 12 years.  

Contract Management

  • Direct SORM to develop detailed contract management policies and procedures.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to include detailed, actionable performance measures in contracts, and to monitor its contracts more regularly and more closely to ensure proper performance.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to develop and require regular training for staff involved in the contracting process to effectively monitor contracts.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to include detailed enforcement measures in contracts and apply enforcement tools consistently across contractors.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to maximize opportunities to use OAG’s contract procurement and management expertise.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

Workers’ Compensation

  • Direct SORM to evaluate and adjust its workers’ compensation healthcare network contract to obtain best value for the state, including providing adequate coverage for injured state employees.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to include the accuracy of the healthcare network provider directory as a performance measure in the healthcare network contract, and to regularly evaluate the accuracy of the provider directory as part of the agency’s enhanced contract monitoring.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to study the feasibility of contracting with a second healthcare network to expand coverage to areas of the state not covered in the agency’s primary healthcare network and include this information in the agency’s report to the 87th Legislature.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to evaluate the agency’s medical bill quality assurance strategy and make any needed improvements to maximize cost savings.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to include additional information in its cost containment reports to better demonstrate the agency’s performance, including the impact of telemedicine as a cost containment measure and information on healthcare network utilization by provider type.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to provide additional information and resources regarding return-to-work programs.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to collect and report lost-time outcomes and return-to-work information as currently required by statute, and do not authorize the agency to consider requesting the Legislature to remove the reporting requirement.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

Risk Management

  • Require SORM to regularly review and update risk management guidelines for state entities.
  • Require state entities to submit their annual reports to SORM not later than the 60th day after the last day of each fiscal year, instead of not later than the 60th day before the last day of each fiscal year as currently required by statute.
  • Direct SORM to use existing data to determine state entity risk levels and needs, and to prioritize resources and requirements by risk.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to develop and use a standard assessment tool to focus on key areas of risk during site visits.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to regularly solicit and use customer input to better tailor risk management services and resources.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to develop objective tools to help state entities determine whether to transfer risk through purchasing insurance.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct SORM to provide state entities with easy-to-use materials and templates for continuity planning.  (Management action – nonstatutory)


  • Update the standard across-the-board requirement related to board member training.
  • Direct SORM to strengthen oversight by updating its board regularly on identified problems and improvements.  (Management action – nonstatutory)