Office of Injured Employee Counsel

  • Next Review Date: 2028-2029 Review Cycle - 91st Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2010-2011 Review Cycle - 82nd Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2010-2011 Review Cycle, 82nd Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

The Legislature created the Office of Injured Employee Counsel (Office) in 2005 as an independent agency to represent the interests of workers’ compensation claimants. To achieve its mission, the Office assists unrepresented injured employees in navigating the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s (DWC’s) dispute resolution process, advocates on behalf of injured employees as a class in rulemaking and judicial proceedings, and educates injured employees regarding the Texas workers’ compensation system.

House Bill 1774 continues the Office of Injured Employee Counsel for six years to coincide with the next review of DWC. The Legislature adopted all of the Sunset Commission’s recommendations and added two other provisions to H.B. 1774. A discussion of the bill’s major provisions follows.

  • Continue the Office of Injured Employee Counsel for six years.
  • Limit the Office’s authority to access claim files for injured employees the Office is not directly affecting.
  • Allow the Office of Injured Employee Counsel an additional month in preparing its legislative report.
  • Allow the Office of Injured Employee Counsel to seek and receive grants to fulfill the agency’s mission.