Job Vacancy

Senior Data Analyst: A data analyst works with Sunset staff to conduct nonpartisan, objective evaluations of Texas state agencies. If you are interested in applying, please visit the Jobs page of our website for details. 

Nueces River Authority

  • Next Review Date: 2030-2031 Review Cycle - 92nd Legislative Session

  • Last Review Cycle: 2018-2019 Review Cycle - 86th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2018-2019 Review Cycle, 86th Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

  • Specify NRA is subject to Sunset review, but not abolishment, again in 2031.
  • Require NRA to adopt a formal, written five-year strategic plan and engage in a regular strategic planning process, and require this plan to be made public record online.
  • NRA should take action to prepare for future retirements and workforce changes.  (Management action – nonstatutory)

Standard Review Elements Applied to All River Authorities 

  • Direct river authorities to implement additional transparency best practices related to their websites, record retention, and financial information.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Make changes to GBRA, RRA, and NRA’s governing laws to facilitate future codification of those laws, such as grammatical fixes and updating outdated references.
  • Apply good government standards to river authorities’ governing laws to promote accountability, transparency, and best practices relating to board practices, public testimony, complaint information, and alternative dispute resolution.
  • Direct RRA and NRA to develop a policy to ensure all professional services contracts are reviewed every five years, and to frequently compile vendor lists and best value practices for cost savings.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct RRA to comply with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules by adopting policies related to contracting, nepotism, and granting money or property.  (Management action – nonstatutory)
  • Direct GBRA and RRA to adopt a formal, written five-year strategic plan and post this plan publicly online.  (Management action – nonstatutory)