Report Released

The Report to the 89th Legislature is now available.

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Past Commission Members

88th Legislature - 2023
87th Legislature - 2021
86th Legislature - 2019
85th Legislature - 2017
84th Legislature - 2015
83rd Legislature - 2013
82nd Legislature - 2011
81st Legislature - 2009
80th Legislature - 2007
79th Legislature - 2005
78th Legislature - 2003
77th Legislature - 2001
76th Legislature - 1999
75th Legislature - 1997
74th Legislature - 1995
73rd Legislature - 1993
72nd Legislature - 1991
71st Legislature - 1989
70th Legislature - 1987
69th Legislature - 1985
68th Legislature - 1983
67th Legislature - 1981
66th Legislature - 1979


88th Legislature – 2023

Senator Charles Schwertner, M.D., Chair     Representative Justin Holland, Vice Chair
Senator Nathan Johnson                              Representative Keith Bell**
Senator Angela Paxton                                 Representative Terry Canales
Senator Charles Perry*                                 Representative Travis Clardy
Senator Drew Springer, Jr.                            Representative Craig Goldman
James "Jim" Lee, Public Member                 Jeff Austin III, Public Member
*   Senator Charles Perry was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Brian Birdwell.
**  Representative Keith Bell was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative John Cyrier.

87th Legislature – 2021

Representative John Cyrier, Chair         Senator Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Vice Chair
Representative Terry Canales*              Senator Pat Fallon
Representative Craig Goldman              Senator Bob Hall
Representative Stan Lambert                 Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.
Representative Chris Paddie                  Senator Angela Paxton**
Julie Harris-Lawrence, Public Member   Ralph Duggins, Public Member
*   Representative Terry Canales was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Poncho Nevárez.
**  Senator Angela Paxton was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Brian Birdwell.

86th Legislature – 2019

Senator Brian Birdwell, Chair                Representative Chris Paddie, Vice Chair
Senator Dawn Buckingham, M.D.         Representative Dan Flynn
Senator Bob Hall                                   Representative Stan Lambert
Senator Robert Nichols*                       Representative Poncho Nevárez
Senator Kirk Watson                             Representative Senfronia Thompson
Emily Pataki, Public Member                Ronald G. Steinhart, Public Member
*Senator Robert Nichols was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Van Taylor.

85th Legislature – 2017

Representative Larry Gonzales, Chair          Senator Van Taylor, Vice Chair
Representative Cindy Burkett                       Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa
Representative Dan Flynn                            Senator Robert Nichols*
Representative Richard Peña Raymond      Senator Charles Schwertner
Representative Senfronia Thompson           Senator Kirk Watson
William Meadows, Public Member                LTC (Ret.) Allen B. West, Public Member
*Senator Robert Nichols was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Jan Nelson.

84th Legislature – 2015

Senator Jane Nelson, Chair                          Representative Four Price, Vice Chair
Senator Brian Birdwell                                   Representative Cindy Burkett
Senator Donna Campbell*                             Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr.
Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa                      Representative Larry Gonzales
Senator Charles Schwertner                         Representative Richard Peña Raymond

Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Public Member     Tom Luce, Public Member

*Senator Donna Campbell was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Dan Patrick.

83rd Legislature – 2013

Senator Robert Nichols, Vice Chair               Representative Dennis Bonnen, Chair
Senator Brian Birdwell                                   Representative Rafael Anchia
Senator Joan Huffman                                  Representative Byron Cook
Senator Dan Patrick                                      Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr.
Senator John Whitmire                                  Representative Four Price

Jan Newton, Public Member                         Casandra Ortiz, Public Member

82nd Legislature – 2011

Senator Glenn Hegar, Jr., Chair                     Representative Dennis Bonnen, Vice Chair
Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa                       Representative Rafael Anchia
Senator Joan Huffman                                   Representative Byron Cook
Senator Robert Nichols                                  Representative Linda Harper-Brown
Senator John Whitmire                                   Representative Larry Taylor*

Charles McMahen, Public Member                Lamont Jefferson, Public Member

*  Representative Larry Taylor was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Carl Isett.

81st Legislature – 2009

Senator Glenn Hegar, Jr., Vice Chair              Representative Carl Isett, Chair
Senator Kim Brimer                                         Representative Dan Flynn
Senator Robert F. Deuell, M.D.                       Representative Linda Harper-Brown
Senator Craig Estes                                        Representative Lois Kolkhorst
Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa                        Representative Ruth Jones McClendon

Charles McMahen, Public Member*                Ike Sugg, Public Member

*  Charles McMahen was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Michael Stevens.

80th Legislature – 2007

Senator Kim Brimer, Chair                               Representative Vicki Truitt, Vice Chair
Senator Robert F. Deuell, M.D.                       Representative Byron Cook
Senator Craig Estes                                        Representative Dan Flynn*
Senator Eliot Shapleigh                                   Representative Lois Kolkhorst**
Senator John Whitmire                                    Representative Ruth Jones McClendon

Howard Wolf, Public Member                          Ike Sugg, Public Member

*  Representative Dan Flynn was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Glenn Hegar.

** Representative Lois Kolkhorst was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Carl Isett.

79th Legislature – 2005

Senator Jane Nelson, Vice Chair                     Representative Burt Solomons, Chair
Senator John Carona                                       Representative Byron Cook*
Senator Mike Jackson                                      Representative Jim Dunnam
Senator Eliot Shapleigh                                    Representative Peggy Hamric
Senator John Whitmire                                     Representative Vicki Truitt

Howard Wolf, Public Member                          John Shields, Public Member

*  Representative Byron Cook was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Glenn O. Lewis.

78th Legislature – 2003

Senator Jane Nelson, Chair                             Representative Warren Chisum, Vice Chair
Senator Mike Jackson                                      Representative Jim Dunnam
Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.                                   Representative Pete Gallego
Senator Eliot Shapleigh*                                  Representative Burt Solomons

Dr. Tim Roth, Public Member                           Libby Linebarger, Public Member

*  Senator Eliot Shapleigh was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator David Sibley.

77th Legislature – 2001

Senator Chris Harris, Vice Chair                       Representative Fred Bosse, Chair
Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.                                    Representative Warren Chisum
Senator David Sibley                                         Representative Pete Gallego
Senator Judith Zaffirini                                      Representative Brian McCall

Dr. Tim Roth, Public Member                            William M. Jeter III, Public Member

76th Legislature – 1999

Senator J.E. (Buster) Brown, Chair                    Representative Patricia Gray, Vice Chair
Senator Chris Harris                                           Representative Fred Bosse
Senator Frank Madla                                          Representative Allen Hightower
Senator Judith Zaffirini                                        Representative Brian McCall

Honorable Robert Lanier, Public Member           William M. Jeter III, Public Member

75th Legislature – 1997

Senator Ken Armbrister, Vice Chair                    Representative Patricia Gray, Chair*
Senator J.E. (Buster) Brown                               Representative Fred Bosse**
Senator Frank Madla                                          Representative Allen Hightower
Senator David Sibley                                          Representative Barry Telford

Dr. Isabella Cunningham, Public Member          Mike Sims, Public Member

*  Representative Patricia Gray was appointed to fill the Chair at the resignation of Representative Layton Black.

** Representative Fred Bosse was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Layton Black.

74th Legislature – 1995

Senator Ken Armbrister, Chair                          Representative Layton Black, Vice Chair
Senator Mike Moncrief                                      Representative David Counts
Senator Carl Parker                                          Representative Patricia Gray
Senator David Sibley                                        Representative Barry Telford

Chuck Bailey, Public Member                          Mike Sims, Public Member

73rd Legislature – 1993

Senator Carl Parker, Vice Chair                      Representative David Cain, Chair
Senator Steve Carriker                                    Representative Layton Black**
Senator O.H. (Ike) Harris*                               Representative David Counts
Senator Mike Moncrief                                    Representative Ashley Smith

Paul N. Wageman, Public Member                 Charles Edmonds, Public Member

*  Senator Harris was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator Gene Green.

** Representative Black was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Nicholas Perez.

72nd Legislature – 1991

Senator Gonzalo Barrientos, Chair                 Representative Lena Guerrero, Vice Chair
Senator Steve Carriker                                   Representative David Cain
Senator Gene Green                                      Representative Bruce Gibson*
Senator Don Henderson                                 Representative Ashley Smith

Dr. Nancy C. Speck, Public Member              Ms. Lynn Eggers, Public Member 

*  Representative Gibson was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Bill Hammond.

71st Legislature – 1989

Senator Bob McFarland, Vice Chair              Representative Jack Vowell, Chair
Senator Gonzalo Barrientos                          Representative Al Granoff
Senator Gene Green*                                    Representative Lena Guerrero
Senator Don Henderson                                Representative Bill Hammond

Jane Hickie, Public Member                          Charles Edmonds, Public Member

*  Senator Green was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator John Montford.

70th Legislature – 1987

Senator Chet Edwards, Chair                       Representative Patricia Hill, Vice Chair
Senator Ray Farabee*                                  Representative Bruce Gibson
Senator Bob McFarland                                Representative Al Granoff
Senator John Montford                                 Representative Jack Vowell
Pete Snelson, Public Member                      Charles Edmonds, Public Member

                                                                     Representative Charles Evans**

*  Senator Farabee was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Senator John Sharp.

** Representative Charles Evans – Ex officio member.

69th Legislature – 1985

Senator Kent Caperton, Vice Chair             Representative Charles Evans, Chair*
Senator Chet Edwards                                Representative Bruce Gibson
Senator Bill Sarpalius                                  Representative Patricia Hill
Senator John Sharp                                    Representative Gary Thompson

Jesse M. Erwin, Jr., Public Member            Harry J. Stone, Jr., Public Member

*  Representative Charles Evans was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Elton Bomer.

68th Legislature – 1983

Senator Ed Howard, Chair                          Representative Charles Evans, Vice Chair
Senator Kent Caperton                               Representative Elton Bomer
Senator O.H. (Ike) Harris                            Representative Ernestine Glossbrenner*
Senator Bill Sarpalius                                 Representative Gary Thompson

Vernon McGee, Public Member                 Carol Barger, Public Member

*  Representative Ernestine Glossbrenner was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Al Brown.

67th Legislature – 1981

Senator Ed Howard, Vice Chair                 Representative Bennie Bock, Chair
Senator Lloyd Doggett                               Representative Al Brown, Jr.*
Senator O.H. (Ike) Harris                           Representative Bill Ceverha

Senator A.R. (Babe) Schwartz                   Representative Charles Evans

*  Representative Al Brown, Jr. was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Mike Ezzell.

66th Legislature – 1979

Senator Bill Meier, Chair                            Representative Bennie Bock, Vice Chair
Senator Lloyd Doggett                               Representative Bill Ceverha
Senator A.R. (Babe) Schwartz                   Representative Lee F. Jackson

Senator W.E. Snelson                                Representative Lance Lalor